So much is going on lately. First, my brother Jon is in Afganastan with the National Guard. I cannot express enough how panic filled I get every time I see soldiers killed in Afganastan... I check his myspace page every few hours to see if he has been on. I don't dare call my mother... she would flip out! Then alas I get an email requesting items he is in need of. The fear subsides for the moment. Anyone who knows my brother knows how much a jokester he is... so when he asked for a new louffa,cause someone stole his(EWWW) I couldn't resist and am sending him a hot pink one! I don't think anyone will want to steal that. Here is a photo of Jon many years ago at a wedding....

Austin's room is just about completed. All that is left to do is, trim,get a new closet door,and a new solid entry door. The room is filled with baby stuff, of course it's not organized and it's driving me nuts! Chris has been off work going on 3 weeks now and he did acomplish a lot in there, it's still not done. Yes, I am aware he has 7 weeks til baby comes, but still. This week he is working on the crawlspace. We decided to go a head and spend $4000.00 on permaseal and have that done to control the moisture and mold issues were have had! In order for us to get that price(as it is usually around $6000.00) he is digging a trench and putting in the drain tile. Not sure how long it will take for him to dig said trench but he has until March 6th because the permaseal guys are coming that day to do their thing.
Elizabeth has started to become extremly clingly... especially at bed time. I feel bad for her and it breaks my heart when she says" but mom I need you, I want you". You see, I am not going to start that evil habit of laying with her until she goes to sleep... the only time she is allowed to sleep with us is when she is really sick, if we are at a hotel and sharing a room with others,or when she wants to cuddle. I am thinking she is sensing that something major is happening. I hope I can reassure her before Austin comes that she is so loved and wanted. I have a feeling that she will be a pistol for a while... par for the course I suppose.

I cannot express to anyone enough how badly I cannot wait until spring. I am tired of the furnace running... I am so HOT lately! I want to open the windows, air out the house and line dry my sheets. And Spring means new life. My grandmother is coming to stay with us for about a month after Austin is born. She will be a big help!
On a side note... I hate sweating, I really really do! The thermostat is set at 72, which normally I am cold at... I turned it down to 68! Chris is gonna be pissed... Ahhh the joys of pregnancy