Friday was such a beautiful day...too bad we were stuck in the house with the guys from Perma Seal... But I was able to open all the windows again and enjoy the breeze!
Saturday we had a wedding to attend. Elizabeth was so excited that she was able to wear her Easter dress early..

She was very well behaved at the wedding. Except when they were doing closing prayer and the whole church was quiet... the claps of thunder and flashes of lightning started , scared all the kids! I don't know about you but I think that might be a bad omen... So we then dropped Elizabeth off at her grandma Karen's and Papa Lens' so she could spend a fun filled night with her grandparents... that didn't work out so well. Chris and I were able to go to the reception and have diner when Chris realized he missed a call. It was his mom. Elizabeth had pooped 10 times in about an hour and half... anyone that knows' us knows that we have had nothing but issues with Elizabeth and her bowel movements since she was born, so for her to have the runs was very out of the ordinary.She was willing to keep Elizabeth over night but wanted to know if there was anything she could do. I told her we would come and pick her up, so we left. Once we got there, Elizabeth comes running..." My butt hurts momma!" and away she went again! Thankfully grandma still had some diapers in the house, cause there was no way Elizabeth was making it to the toliet every time. So we think all is ok and pack her up and leave. Foolishly I give her a couple sips of gaterade.. Mind you gaterade makes her poop, but I figured if she had gone that much she need the electrolytes. Wrong!!! We made it Lorenzo Rd and she was screaming. Poor kid! Get her home and change her, a dose of pepto and off to bed she went. She did wake up one time from the storm, so I gave her another dose of pepto and she fell back a sleep! I wish I could say the same. It was very bizzare to watch the clock jump an hour! Anyway... We got up this morning around 10 a.m. She comes in our room and says.. "mommy GET UP! I want mini corn dogs,french fries and cheese! (polkadot)" Of course it wasn't open yet so she settled for a peice of toast and some stale Sierra Mist. I did end up getting her some polkadot as she wanted to eat! She hadn't eaten since Saturday morning.
All day I had been so occupied with her,laundry, cleaning,organizing Austin's clothes that I rarely paid any attention to the lake we had in our yard... It had subsided by the time I was able to get some pics but none the less it is flooded.

And by the looks of it, this week we should be able to invite people over to ice skate.... only in Illinois!
1 comment:
What a bummer with the flooding! But cute is your daughter? LOVE the dress :-)
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